
Questions To Ask Your Doctor: Make The Most Of Your Visit

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Questions To Ask Your Doctor: Make The Most Of Your Visit

When it comes to stopping by our health clinic in Detroit, we want you to make the most of any visit. Whether you are coming in due to an urgent need or you simply need to see a doctor for a quick exam, we want you to feel like the doctor you saw handled every need you have. We understand that for most people, doctor’s visits aren’t high on their list of fun activities. For this reason, making the most of every visit will allow you to cut down on the number of times you need to stop by.

If you are about to visit us at Sherwood Urgent Care, check out these top questions to ask your doctor to make sure you get the most out of your visit.

Start With Your Symptoms

The first thing you should do is spend some time going over your symptoms with your doctor. Don’t hold anything back as you ask questions about what is going on with you. Remember, doctors spend their life immersed in the medical world — you will not shock them with anything you say. The more questions you ask about how you are feeling, what is happening, and what might be the cause of your symptoms, the better your doctor can help you.

Take the time before you head to the clinic to write down every symptom you are experiencing. This will help you when you get to the doctor’s office and will prevent you from forgetting anything major. Take detailed notes about how you are feeling and what specific concerns you have.

Start With Your Symptoms

Delve Into Treatment Options

Once you have gone over your symptoms and your doctor has given you an idea of what might be the causation, it is time to ask questions about treatment options. Doctors are happy to discuss the different approaches you can take to recover, so don’t be afraid to ask for more than one option. If your doctor recommends one specific treatment over another, ask lots of questions about why and ensure you feel confident in the treatment chosen.

Your health is truly in your hands and a good doctor should be willing to take the time to answer any questions or concerns you have about the treatment recommended. While, ultimately, your doctor is armed with far more medical knowledge than you, it is 100 percent okay to have questions for your medical provider.

Discuss Long-Term Impact

After you have an idea of what you are facing, talk to your doctor about the long-term impact your condition might have on your life. Ask questions about how long it should take you to recover and bring up any future concerns you have about your health. Take the time to feel like you know what to expect over the upcoming days and weeks.

Bring Up Any Other Existing Issues

Finally, since you are already at the health clinic, take the time to ask about any other issues you are facing healthwise. While an immediate concern may have brought you in, it doesn’t hurt to take the time to ask about other health-related topics during your visit. This will allow you to get the most out of one trip and will also paint a bigger picture of your overall health to your doctor. Your physician will be able to recommend any other treatments you might need or can send you to a specialist if warranted.

Bring Up Any Other Existing Issues


Here at Sherwood Urgent Care, we are passionate about helping every patient who walks through our doors find the path to a healthy life. Whether you come to our urgent care facility due to an immediate health concern or you are visiting for a quick exam, we want you to get the most you can from your visit. Check out our services page to learn more about what we offer and keep the above questions in mind during your visit. Come see us soon at our health clinic in Detroit.